Our Guarantee

Team Price is committed to your satisfaction. The owners, Dan & Earl Price, are committed to providing an unparalleled real estate experience. The tenets that we strive for everyday is to be:

Professional - Prepared - Punctual - Polite

We believe in relationships.

We know our clients, their needs, their wants and their goals. By knowing and understanding our clients, we can best serve them. I believe that this is the main reason we have such a high repeat and referral business.

We believe in systems. Our systems and processes and meticulously designed for your success. With over 10,000 closed deals in central Texas, we know that our systems work. They are also ever evolving with the advancement of technology and cultural norms.

We stand by our agents; We stand by our systems; And we stand by our clients.

We guarantee it,
Dan & Earl Price
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We stand by our promises.

With this kind of guarantee, what to you have to lose?